Finding Time to Write – Everyone Can Do It

There are so many possible causes of procrastination. One cause could be that you think you’ll never be good enough. This is an irrational belief because there will always be a time when you’re not as good at something as someone else, and if they’ve improved their work, it doesn’t mean that you can’t improve yours in the future.

Another cause could be that your feelings get in the way of your decision-making process. Sometimes people feel like they need to have their heart perfectly aligned with something before they start, but if we wait for everything to line up 100% all the time before we do anything then there is no way we would ever accomplish anything! If your heart isn’t ready yet, just keep working until you find some sort of creative boost.

Yet another cause could be society. Maybe you think that you don’t have time to do anything because you’re too busy with social obligations, hobbies, interests, or family. Contrary to popular belief, though, it’s actually good for your mental health and happiness to make time for your passion. If you’re passionate about writing then you should try to find time in your schedule to write even if it means turning down some invitations or doing a few fewer chores around the house.

Some Tips for Finding Space and Time to Write:

What should you do if you don’t have any extra time to write? You should make some.

There are so many ways you could do this that I decided to make a list of 10 things that you can do to increase the amount of time that you have to work on your writing:

1. Write for 10 minutes with the intent of working for another 10

You could write in a journal, on the computer, or in a notebook; it doesn’t matter as long as it’s something that is easy for you and flexible enough for you to go back and edit later. Write to yourself or a friend in your head, but make sure the words are legible so that they can be read properly.

2. Use your phone to record yourself reading something that you wrote

If you’re too lazy to spend 10 minutes working on your writing, try recording yourself reading it. You can also use a writing app on your phone like I did in this post: Make sure you don’t go over the time limit and don’t check the email or Facebook messages while you’re recording. 

3. Frame of mind to write

You should try writing in the same environment everyday. This could be a physical environment like your room, or an imaginary environment that you create with your imagination like the one in my post:  The Secret to Writing Everywhere.

4. Organize your schedule

To increase the time that you have to write, you need to get organized enough with your calendar so that you won’t cancel out any important appointments or events because of the time that you’re taking for writing. Use a dry-erase board and write down everything important on it so that nothing will be missed.

  • How to get started with writing
  • Writing break down
  • The writing process

Procrastination in writing. First step, stop procrastinating.

 Distract yourself from writing. Build a new life schedule out of writing time. If you feel your productivity is on the decline, maybe off the decline, then you are at a point where you will need to create an alternate life schedule for yourself. Your current life schedule is not working for you, so do something different. When most people have reached the point at which they are no longer able to work on their book or article from start to finish they usually do one or more of the following things: A) They give up and go back to work.

5. Take a Break

There’s nothing wrong with taking breaks from time to time. In fact, it can actually be a good thing for you. If you’re not feeling like writing then try doing something else that makes you feel better and less stressed about your work.

6. Build a routine

Once you’ve figured out how much time it will take for you to finish what you’re doing, then make a regular schedule out of your writing time. Include some down-time or sleep-time in your schedule as well if need be, but never eat or exercise right before or after doing something important like writing because all of those bodily functions compete with each other for the same resources which could mean that one of them is not working as well as it should be.

7. Establish Your Priorities

Sometimes you have to remember that there are other important things to do besides writing. If you have to, try organizing your daily schedule in a way that makes it easier for you to move back and forth between the different things that are important to you.

There are many things you could do to increase the amount of time that you have to write. Some of them include writing for 10 minutes each day with the intent to work for another 10, recording yourself reading a passage that you like from your story, making a regular schedule out of your writing time as well as including some down-time or sleep-time in it, and organizing your daily schedule in a way that makes it easier for you to move back and forth between the different things that are important to you. If those things don’t provide any assistance then try something new!